Employment Law, Rules & Regulations - 3 Critical Issues Addressed

When you first got into this industry, you already knew that there will be several employment and related laws and regulations that you will have to follow. Over the years, you were confident about most of them because your scale of operations was rather limited. However, with the passage of time, you have expanded a lot and you have realized how important it is to associate with an employment law firm.

An attorney that specializes in employment law and related rules and regulations in your industry will enable you to focus on your core responsibilities. They will take away the unnecessary burden that you would otherwise have to bear along with several critical business operations.

Following are a few aspects that a reputable attorney at Shegerian Conniff can help you out with:

      1. Rules Regarding Paid Leaves

There are several laws and rules that you will have to wrap your head around regarding the paid leave for all of your workers. Several laws have been enacted by both state and local governments to protect the rights of your workers. However, these rules can easily cause a lot of confusion among employers. They have to comply with all these laws and if they fail to do so, they may risk the imposition of penalties and fines.

Your employment attorney is going to explain to you the crucial details of paid leave legislation that applies to your city/state. As an employer, it will be your responsibility to continue to stay updated with regard to all the laws that are being enacted by states and municipalities with regard to your business.

      2. Workplace Sexual Harassment Cases

This is one of the most crucial aspects of employment law. The way people have come forth with their sexual harassment cases and similar issues that they have been facing at their respective workplaces has encouraged governments of various countries to alter their workplace sexual harassment laws. These changes have been reflected across industries. Employers have brought in significant changes to their already existing laws pertaining to workplace sexual harassment.

Many entrepreneurs and governments have completely altered their approach from addressing these issues to prevention and training employees and workers. Employers are required to work together with their senior partners and every worker to make their organization friendly for every employee. They have been directed to make workplace harassment prevention their top priority to ensure a cordial working environment for every employee. If you haven't yet updated your workplace sexual harassment policy, it is time to get in touch with your employment law firm today.

       3. Marijuana And Workplace

This compound has been legalized in all the states across the country. The purpose still remains medical/recreational and nothing more than that. However, there are several employers who continue to struggle with the implementation of this rule in their workplace. They do not understand the criticalities that they need to address to properly understand the issue.

If you think that you are facing similar problems with marijuana use at your workplace, it is time to come up with a consistent and all-encompassing policy. You will have to sit down with your attorneys at Shegerian Conniff to understand the law applicable in your city and come up with a policy that is fully compliant with the given rules.

You don't want to be battling confusion and chaos between the various laws put forth by the state and local governments. If you are in the process of drafting and enforcing any new policy or rule in your organization, you first have to understand its consequences. Your employment lawyer can help you do that effortlessly.

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