Pregnancy & Childbirth How Women's Rights At Workplace Get Impacted?

 Wondering what impact your pregnancy is going to have on your new job? As long as you are able to perform your major job functions, it should not be a problem. Well, that makes complete sense. But what if you experience any kind of discrimination against yourself at your workplace because of your pregnancy? Then we do have a problem. Hiring or firing any employee just because she is pregnant is definitely against the law and your employment lawyer should be able to shed more light on that. It is also against the law if anybody promotes or demotes you on the basis of your pregnancy. Nobody can hold back any benefits that accrue to you only because you are pregnant. Even if you are a single mother, you have the full right to report pregnancy discrimination at your workplace because any such actions that are based on your becoming a mother are completely illegal under the federal law. Your attorneys at Shegerian Conniff will tell you that.

Understanding Your Rights Under The Pregnancy Discrimination Act

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act was formulated to protect pregnant women from any such discriminatory acts mentioned above and many others that might be targeted towards them. Any enterprise that has 15 employees or more is required to treat women who are pregnant with the same conduct and attitude as they would at any other job applicant/employee. These employees/ applicants, associates and partners are deemed to have limitations or abilities similar to that of the pregnant employee.

What Does The Family And Medical Leave Act Say About Workplace Discrimination Against Pregnant Women?

If you are employed at a company that has at least 50 employees or more, the Family and Medical Leave Act is going to protect your rights. If you have worked for the company for at least 12 months, the company has to allow you to take at least 12 weeks of unpaid leave for any kind of medical reasons. Pregnancy and childbirth are included in these medical reasons.

Remember, your job cannot be given away to anybody else during this 12-week period. Many states across the country also actively protect women’s rights during their pregnancy and childbirth. These laws are very much clear-cut. However, the issues that arise at the ground level where the employee is actually dealing with pregnancy discrimination can complicate the life of the individual. In such a situation your employment lawyer at Shegerian Conniff would recommend that you also get the assistance of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. You should be able to learn more about your rights during pregnancy and will be able to tell whether they have been violated or not.

Knowing Your Federal Rights During Pregnancy- A Long List Awaits You

We already know that the Pregnancy Discrimination Act is going to prohibit your employer from discriminating against you if you are pregnant. This includes not just hiring and firing you from the job but also your pay, job assignments, training and benefits, promotions, leaves and even health insurance. The list is quite long.

Afraid That A Supervisor Might Prevent You From Travelling To A Conference Out Of Concern?

You know that you are in a position to travel even while you are pregnant if it is required of you. Your manager or supervisor is not in a position to deny you the right to perform your commitments to your job regardless of your health conditions. If you are in a sound state of mind and can manage your health efficiently, it should not affect your job responsibilities in any way. This means that a pregnant worker is never considered less desirable for a job because of any supposed concerns. Like we said earlier, pregnancy related issues at the workplace can get very complicated. To understand more about your rights, get in touch with your employment law firm today.

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